My Hairiest Adventure/Comments

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The following page contains every comment from My Hairiest Adventure to receive a reply from Troy.

Comments[edit | edit source]

Zak said...

Sweet, from the getgo I had so many possibilities as to what the entry for this one will look like. However Troy, I have a few questions! Unfortunately this book is missing from my collection, but from memory:

1. Exactly how many chapters end with a cliffhanger about hair?[Note 1] Moreso, have the last word be "Hair"?[Note 2] I seem to remember a lot of "the back of my hand was covered in thick black hair", "my arms were covered in thick hair", like every other chapter. Also correct me if I'm wrong but was one of them a red hair-ing (yep) where it ended up being a scarf?

2. I was gonna look this up but unfortunately like I said I can't find this book, but can I have the transcript of the scene where Larry turns into a dog during the band performance? I honestly don't remember that part at all but if you don't wanna post it all here can you email it to me at ███████@█████.com[Note 3] please? Or if anyone else reading the comments has the book can they do it?[Note 4]



JUNE 23, 2008 6:41 AM

Kris said...

A Flaming Lips reference!? Awesome!

Great entry, man. Only one more to go!

Actually, it's probably nothing to be excited about. The Goosebumps 2000 books were truly awful.

JUNE 23, 2008 10:33 AM

troy steele said...

Everyone keeps telling me that. Surely the Series 2000 books couldn't be any worse than the cover art that adorns them.

I don't have the book in front of me but the aforementioned scarf scene did take place-- it was one of the many boring scenes about hair growth that I distilled and simplified to their bare essence for the entry, pun definitely intended.

JUNE 23, 2008 11:07 AM

Anonymous said...

As you have stated previously,
'you are going to stop the blog after revenge of the lawn gnomes, as that was the book that made you stop reading them.'

So I presume that you'll move straight to 2000?(or horrorland).

ANyway, great review.

JUNE 25, 2008 4:05 PM

troy steele said...

Just to make sure there's no confusion, the blog will not be ending next week. If a book is listed in the sidebar, it will be covered by Blogger Beware.

JUNE 25, 2008 5:11 PM

Anonymous said...

It seems like not as many people remember the Series 2000 books. I haven't read them all, but they had some good moments (and probably a ton of bad ones, too). Can't wait for them!

JUNE 27, 2008 5:11 PM

troy steele said...

I think I'm going to do them in order, with one-off Goosebumps books (More Tales... &c;) being covered at random intervals in-between the Series 2000 books, so that readers of the blog will still have a chance of being surprised by each week's update.

I will be covering the TV series in some capacity.[Note 5]

JUNE 27, 2008 7:28 PM

Brodie said...

Is Ghosts of Fear Street[1] still happening in some capacity? Would you invesitgate The Nightmare room at all (which I only really know from one episode of the Tv show with ikkle Justin Berfield. So cute.)?

JUNE 29, 2008 8:32 PM

troy steele said...

The Ghosts of Fear Street is happening VERY SOON.[Note 6]

JUNE 29, 2008 9:11 PM

Anonymous said...

"Bass guitar and drums are a lot easier to learn than the guitar, but not in Goosebumps world."

Eh . . . sorry, troy, but I have to disagree. Acoustic guitar is easier to learn than drums because drums require two of your hands. Many bass guitars are heavy as well.
Keyboard is harder than guitar, though, since it's like playing piano.

JUNE 30, 2008 4:53 PM

troy steele said...

I should have been clearer, all three played electric, not acoustic, guitar, complete with a fuzzbox(!), and all the children had a working knowledge of this and other effect-pedals... just like dogs.

I undersold how ridiculous their band is. In a realistic version of this novel, the band would have consisted of three tambourines and a pair of HitStix.[2]

JUNE 30, 2008 5:08 PM

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. By our count, it happens 8 or 9 times.
  2. 4 chapters.
  3. Email redacted for privacy.
  4. If you're still looking, Zak:

    I closed my eyes and tried to shut out everything—to concentrate on my fingers, on the music.
    As I played, the audience started to cheer. A few shouts at first. Some scattered applause.
    But then the cheering grew louder and louder.
    Happily, I opened my eyes. Several kids were on their feet, shouting and laughing.
    I bent my knees and let my fingers move over the frets, the pick moving automatically now over the strings.
    I was starting to feel good—really good.
    The cheers grew louder. I realized that several kids were pointing at me.
    What's going on? I wondered.
    And I suddenly knew that something was wrong. The cheers were too loud. The laughter was too loud. Too many kids were jumping up and pointing fingers at me.
    "Great special effects!" I heard a boy shout from the first row.
    "Yeah. Great special effects!"
    Huh? I thought. What special effects?
    It didn't take me long to figure it out.
    As Kristina started to sing, I reached my hand up and rubbed it over my face.
    I cried out in horror as I felt the stiff, prickly hair.
    My face was covered in it. My chin, my cheeks, my forehead.
    The thick, black hair had sprouted over my entire face.
    And the whole school was staring at it, staring at me.

  5. Nope.
  6. Nope.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. A (ghostwritten) spinoff to Stine's Fear Street series. It was meant to appeal to the same audience as Goosebumps.
  2. Hit Stix is an electronic musical instrument made in the 1980s by Nasta and Radio Shack. The set includes two drum sticks that are connected to a small amplifier with audio cables.