My Best Friend Is Invisible/Comments

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The following page contains every comment from My Best Friend Is Invisible to receive a reply from Troy.

Comments[edit | edit source]

vandjack[Note 1] said...

I'm new to your site, but I got to say I like it.
I just finished reading all the entry. I have to say, I doubt I could come up with material as consistently as you do.

That being said, I have to suggest that you try more variations of your format. When almost all of the entries are the same, even the good stuff starts to feel tedious.
For example, the one you did like a test was probably the best one you have done so far.

Anyways, great job and keep up the good work.

JUNE 02, 2008 4:22 PM

troy steele said...

Not that you don't have a valid point vandjack, but the site's entries obviously follow a formula and I'm very skeptical about straying too far from it except on rare occasion. The blog has a finite lifetime and a more or less fixed amount of entries, and there's very little reason to stray from the proven format.

Anything that's more or less the same (as these entries essentially are) gets tedious if you read it all at once instead of pacing yourself on a weekly basis! It's like how the Law and Order marathon[1] is exciting for the first couple hours, but then by the end of the day it's like, "What else is on?"

JUNE 02, 2008 4:51 PM

Anonymous said...

This blog is tedious...

Tediously awesome.

But vand is right in the fact that you should try new things. I mean, it's not like you're bring graded here. This is your blog. Feel free to experiment. Troy, think of yourself as the Beatles[2] of blogging.

JUNE 03, 2008 12:09 AM

troy steele said...

I've always thought of myself more as the Beetle Bailey[3] of blogging.

JUNE 3, 2008 1:36 AM

Zak said...

I fell out of my chair at the OoC[Note 2] alert. What was the whole sentence? That book's missing in my collection.

Have you seen the TV episode of this? You'd think that the twist would make this unadaptable, but they did an alright job "hiding" it.

JUNE 06, 2008 1:19 AM

troy steele said...

"Oh," she said. "Well we just got here. I bet we hear moaning soon. Make sure your camcorder is ready."

The intended idea is they're waiting for a spirit. The out of context suggestion is that they're waiting for someone to spear it.

JUNE 06, 2008 1:42 AM

Anonymous said...

This blog is so awesome. Did you read these books as a kid, Troy? What sparked this interest in reviewing masterpieces like Chicken, Chicken?

JUNE 06, 2008 8:27 AM

troy steele said...

When I started this blog, there was no place on the internet that revealed the twist endings to the Goosebumps books, and I realized there was this huge untapped market of nostalgic 20-somethings like me who vaguely remembered loving the books as a kid and would want to relive that, or at least be reminded which book was the one where they all turned out to be dogs or something.

JUNE 6, 2008 5:56 PM

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. This name was removed at some point and replaced with "Anonymous". It has been restored here.
  2. Out of Context.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. A long-running procedural legal drama, and staple of cable reruns.
  2. The most popular rock band of the 1960s, notable for their innovation both sonically and in regards to production.
  3. The feckless main character of a cartoon strip of the same name.