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Anonymous said...
Did any sequel ever pay attention to the cliffhanger ending? For that matter, did any books at all ever pay any attention to the cliffhanger endings? They always turn out to be a misunderstanding or prank.
...Oh wait, Return To Horrorland might have picked up on the conclusion to One Day At. I know the computer game did.
APRIL 15, 2008 8:36 AM
Zak said...
Lets see... sequels usually DO follow their twist endings IIRC. Let's see every sequel and who missed it:
You already covered Horrorland, anon, and everything about that was right.
Monster Blood - it disappears. No big deal, just get another one. MB2 - Cuddles eats it, but it expired so nothing should happen. MB3 - Evan shrinks down to a foot tall. Okay, they did miss it in MB4
Night of the Living Dummy - The twist is that Slappy's alive... need I say more. (The rest of the Slappy sequels wouldn't matter since they have different families so they can have whatever they want happen).
Deep Trouble - So the little thing is chasing Billy... and part 2 picks up there. DT2 - I thought Sheena did turn into a fish, but my memory serves me wrong here and she was just flopping around to scare Billy because we never see her transform, hence why she's still human in Horrorland DT?
Haunted Mask - It was explained as well in the show, her brother put it on only once so he can take it off.
Say Cheese and Die - We never see the twins in the sequel, so what happens to them shouldn't matter.
The Mummy saga - Curse of the Mummy's Tomb didn't really have a groundbreaking twist, just the parents returning with scary timing.
Invasion of the Body Squeezers - well, it's a two-parter to begin with, but I'm talking about the Give Yourself Goosebumps sequel "Revenge of the Body Squeezers" which literally picks up right where part 2 left off with Jack, except for a new character named "You"'s point of view.
Night in Terror Tower - Didn't really have a sequel-preventing twist and the sequel did go along with all the stuff that was revealed.
Return to Ghost Camp - Same story as NotLD, different characters.[Note 1]
I believe I covered all of them.
APRIL 16, 2008 1:06 AM
troy steele said...
Zak, Deep Trouble II doesn't explain the sea creature from the end of the first book at all, it starts one year after the events of the first book without any mention of the ending. The ending of II also implies that Sheena drank from the wrong bottle but ends there. Otherwise though, very comprehensive! Which book is the Terror Tower sequel?[Note 2]
APRIL 16, 2008 11:10 AM |
a25 said...
I feel your criticism of scientists in Goosebumps is a bit misplaced. The scientists, as far as I can tell from your reviews, think the kids are just making things up or overreacting.
But see, the kids are freakin' idiots half the time, so figuring the kids are full of crap is a pretty safe gambit.
Also, the most terrifying thing Goosebumps ever did was have you do this blog, mention Tippi Hedren, and then have me look her up on Wikipedia and see that image.[Note 3] Imagine that in place of a twist ending.
APRIL 17, 2008 11:08 AM
troy steele said...
She could have really been something.
APRIL 17, 2008 6:26 PM |
eponine said...
When I was reading these the first time around, I never picked up on the discontinuities (wrong word, i think, but you get the idea) between originals and sequels. . .
Which at first doesn't seem like such a big deal except 1. I would often (re)read the first then (re)read the sequel within the same day 2. In case the re didn't make it clear, I read these books over and over and over 3. I was 9 when I stopped reading (maybe there's an excuse for when I was 6...but 9 is pushing it) 4. I caught the trophy room error in Harry Potter (it changed floors once, I don't remember the specifics cause I haven't read the earlier books in a few years) when I was 9 or 10
I blame these books for the fact that I'm a total continuity freak now...
Hmm, this is long.
In conclusion, can we expect an ontime update next week and ditto on the Tippi Hedren
APRIL 19, 2008 5:16 AM
troy steele said...
Updates should be on-time from now on
APRIL 19, 2008 9:55 AM |
Zak said...
Sweet, just one last request.
I don't know how much spam you get or if there's a way to change this, but is it possible for you to make it so comments immediately appear rather than waiting for them to be approved? I mean if you get a lot of spam comments that must be rejected then never mind... but it makes sense, sometimes I check to see if my comments (which are sometimes questions or stuff expecting a response) have been replied to and I find that they're not even there yet! It'd make for easier communication... not necessarily from you, but between other users here as well.
APRIL 20, 2008 12:16 AM
Q & T said...
I say we have a whole discussion forum for this. There should an entire board to sacrifacing things in the name of Troy Steele in hopes he'll announce his candidacy for Presidency in '12.[1]
Only one man can be President and, dammit, it better be a Goosebumps man!
APRIL 21, 2008 12:56 AM
Anonymous said...
How old are you troy?
APRIL 21, 2008 3:18 PM
troy steele said...
Mid-20s, meaning I won't be able to run in '12. Rats!
The site is too high profile to allow the comments to be unmoderated, sorry-- I've never withheld negative comments about the blog though, sometimes against my better judgment.
As far as message boards go, most of my readers already don't comment on entries, so I can't imagine the majority would post on a dedicated forum either.
APRIL 21, 2008 3:57 PM |
- ↑ The wording here is rather confusing. The commenter seems to have meant "same deal as", as in, "much like Night of the Living Dummy II, Return to Ghost Camp also has a different set of protagonists to its predecessor book", which is indeed accurate. However, they, slightly misleadingly, wrote "same story", which could also be read as claiming that Return to Ghost Camp and Night of the Living Dummy have the same story, as in, plot - which they don't, they have very little in common.
- ↑ Return to Terror Tower, one of the rarest Give Yourself Goosebumps books.
- ↑ The page probably would have looked like this.